Summer Of Helloclan June Update

Hello to all, and welcome to the first major update of the Summer of Helloclan Event!

As many of you know, this summer is a special event for the city of Helloclan as we re-open it to the player-base.

First and foremost, an update on the events we’ve had so far!

  • The Helloclan Community Plot Idea Contest is now closed. All qualifying submissions will become available to vote on in the near future for everyone to vote on. Good luck to all your submissions!

  • The Grand Opening of Pink Park was a rousing success and is now open to the public. Thank you so much to all those in attendance and congratulations on your prizes!

  • The GTC Public Farm Project post is now available for submissions in the following link, all those who own a resource farm of your own be sure to check it out!
    GTC Public Farm Project

  • Helloclans Grand Re-Opening will take place within the next two weeks, with the formal event’s time and date to be announced within the next week. All those in attendance will receive 1 of the 5 keys needed to get a secret rare! So be sure to keep an eye out!

  • There have been a variety of events hosted when large player counts are online, and several prizes including rare items and cash have been given out. Be on the look out for more in the future!

Now, it is time to announce the new events and activities of the next couple weeks!

Drum roll please…

  • Helloclan Plot Auctions! (Starting Today!!!1)

    • Thats right, we are auctioning off a bunch of plot all across Central Helloclan, with the first round of many open for bids RIGHT NOW!!! So don’t miss out on your chance to get one!
      [Gov Auction] HC First Love Park Plots
  • Friendly Faces of HelloMiners

    • Those who have been exploring Helloclan may have noticed a variety of familiar faces all over the place. These NPC’s offer a variety of exclusive trades, including special items, special playerheads, and even some rares! There are over a dozen already hidden across the 4 districts of Helloclan, so be sure to look around!
  • Swamp City Grand Re-Opening!

    • Swamp City is making a comeback! With a new and improved layout, we will be hosting an event to commemorate the beginning of a new era for the city. All those in attendance will be entered into a raffle for a variety of prizes, along with everyone getting one of the keys needed to get the special rare!
  • Swamp City Auctions

    • After the grand re-opening, auctions will begin for the many new plots that will be available! Get your bank accounts ready!!
  • Swamp City Elections

    • With Swamp City coming back, were gonna need someone to run it! We will be hosting elections for this management role after the grand re-opening. So look out for that announcement!
  • West City Celebration

    • To celebrate the continued flourishing of West City, we will be hosting a party to celebrate, which will include games, giveaways, and another key for the special rare!
  • Events!!!

    • Events will continue to be hosted both in a scheduled format, and in periods of increase player traffic, so feel free to hang around in the evenings to see if any events are going on for you to win prizes!

I just want to thank everyone again for all the help they have given me in making Helloclan a more fun place to be! Several people have volunteered their time and assets to this process and I am eternally grateful!

My discord and admin office are always available if there is anything I can do to help make things on HM better for you guys, so please don’t hesitate to use them!

Thank you guys so much for your continue patience in this process and for reading posts like this. I hope to hear from you all very soon!


Amazing work nar!