[Gov Auction] HC First Love Park Plots

The following are plots located in the newly redone area of First Love Park, an area located in the upper east side of Helloclan City and along two major roadways.

Auctioning: loveplot1
Location: Helloclan City
Seller: Government

Auctioning: loveplot2
Location: Helloclan City
Seller: Government

Auctioning: loveplot4
Location: Helloclan City
Seller: Government

Auctioning: loveplot5
Location: Helloclan City
Seller: Government

Auctioning: loveplot6
Location: Helloclan City
Seller: Government

Auctioning: loveplot7
Location: Helloclan City
Seller: Government


  1. No editing or cancelling bids.
  2. The winner must have the money when the auction is over. Otherwise, the bidder will be fined 10% of their bid and the next highest bidder will win.
  3. The auction may be called off at any time by a staff member.
  4. Each bid must include the bidder’s username.
  5. Each bid must increase by at least 10% higher than the last.
  6. The auction will end 24 hours after the most recent valid bid.
  7. Banned players may not bid.
  8. Please stay on topic.
  9. Owners of 3 or more plots within Helloclan City are not permitted to bid

The bidding starts at:
loveplot1 F4800
loveplot2 F3300
loveplot4 F4760
loveplot5 F3740
loveplot6 F6760
loveplot7 F5460

Good luck!

IGN: Lossu
Plot: Loveplot1
Amount: F4800

Plot2 - F4000
Plot5 - F4000


loveplot1 15000
loveplot2 15000
loveplot7 - 5460


loveplot4 - F4760
loveplot6 - F6760

IGN: Lossu

loveplot7 - 7000


Plot2 - F16500


Plot 5 won, Congrats!

Plot 1 won, Congrats!

Plot 2 won, Congrats!

Plot 7 won, Congrats!

Plots 4 and 6 won, Congrats!

Added and paid for plot @NarwhalsRcool