Let’s get a few things straight. I complained a while back on 2 counts after it was left unfinished for a year:
- It’s an eyesore and a troll region as it’s unfinished and stupidly high up on purpose to cause issues and vehicles can’t run on it.
- You duped Jake into giving permission from ferobanke’s perspective for it as at the time it was unheard of to bypass the infra dept. You let Jake think this was a government highway.
Here’s an example of the highway from that complaint:
Jake confirming:
Luc has said this can be re-evaluated as an eyesore if progress stalls:
A year later and it is still as it was:
Permission sought
Angry at the false promises in the ticket and complete lack of progress for yet ANOTHER year, last week I sent nightemperor a request to get the design resolved and he was sympathetic to what has happened. As I explained to you when you contacted me after this, I had spoken to nightemperor already but you ignored this. Here is the permission I got to change it the part that is parented to my city:
I have amended my part and some bits need completing but with all the bullshit you guys have twisted against me, I’m less inclined to make nice little tunnel walls and ceilings for you.
As far as I’m concerned, this was originally intended to be a SUD owned highway and nightemperor is in charge of SUD and you have had plenty of time to fix the eyesore it actually is, and you should never have regioned it in the first place.
The ticket sent before your revenge report
Before you wrote your report here, I also submitted a ticket in infra to have the highway officially re-evaluated as an eyesore and drew staff to the fact that you just decided to have the highway as a private region regardless of getting permissions from Dove Valley. In your messages you stated Dove Valley was inactive. I know this was not the case as the inactivity rule had not kicked in. I had been made manager of Dove Valley as it was agreed by the owner that the city would be sold to me in return for re-opening Trongo. For the record you didn’t contact me either to get permission for this highway.
It was always my intention to report this region to have it removed so I can region that area in between both my cities and merge the cities as I’ve been working on a design for it but so far this has stalled because of this highway issue. I have never been against having a highway connected to my city. I gave all of you a whole year to get your act together to see what you could come up with. When I spoke to you about stuff you were shirty and showed no willingness that any of you were going to fix the issues. You also let slip that your group just went ahead and regioned 50 blocks from Dove Valley because as far as you were concerned the owners were inactive so instead of contacting them you just did what you liked.
Because of the shit with my super highway being griefed to the point it was yeeted out of existence by 1 staff member, things with the report were delayed and I’ve spent the last few days processing all of your shit.
I did submit the ticket to infra half an hour before your sudden report (I bet you were encouraged to write it - maybe you thought your would just gang up on me because making me look bad is now the fashion as part of your mafia collective):