HelloMiners Tennis Association

What is this?

The HelloMiners Tennis Association is an extension of the Professional Ironball League that regulates Tennis on Hellominers. The HTA chairman is @Endershack.

Where do I play?

The HTA Headquarters is at Olympic Park in Greenfort.
Currently you can access this through /warp tennis but is also accessible via

  1. /warp a
  2. HC Subway
  3. Olympic Park Station (white banner)
  4. At the Olympic Park spawn there is a tp button called “Olympic Tennis Arena”

How do I play?

Right now at the moment you can play anyone at /warp tennis. Tournaments will be hosted soon on the tennis discord and in the government discord- so get some games under your belt.

The tennis plugin is MCTennis. Click here to familiarize yourself with it.

How do I register a tennis court?

To register, your court must have the correct dimensions in the rules, an umpire chair, and benches. Also it can’t be an obvious eyesore.

Registration costs F15,000.

You can register a court by replying to this topic with pictures or by posting in the discord in the #general channel under tennis.

To be selected to host a tournament, however, the committee will evaluate registered courts based on sufficient spectator seating and architectural design.

New to tennis? Not new to tennis? Regardless the rules for HelloMiners Tennis will be somewhat familiar with some slight changes.

General Rules

  • A ball must land within bounds for play to continue; if a player hits the ball outside of bounds, this results in the loss of the point for them.
  • Players/teams cannot cross onto the opponent’s side.
  • Players must wait until the ball passes the net before they can return it.
  • A player that does not return a live ball before it bounces two times loses the point (one bounce allowed).
  • Any ball that bounces on the lines of boundary are considered good.
  • A serve must bounce first before the receiving player can return it.


  • Points – Smallest unit of measurement. Points increment from Love(0)-15-30-40-game.
  • Games – Games consist of 4 points each, and is won when a player reaches 4 points with at least a 2 point advantage.
  • Sets – A set consists of 6 games and is won by the player who reaches 6 games first with at least least a 2 point lead.
  • Advantage Set – If a game score of 6-6 is reached and advantage set rules are used, a player can only win a set with a 2 game lead.
  • Matches – A match is usually played as best of 3 sets. Best of 5 sets is rarely used, in major tournaments.
  • Deuce – Occurs if a score of 40-40 is reached. In order to win the game, a player must win 2 consecutive points in order to take the game. If a player wins one point, they have advantage, but if they lose the next point, the score returns to deuce.
  • Tie-break game – If a game score of 6-6 is reached and tie-break set rules are used, players must play a tie-break game in order to decide who wins the set. In a tie-break game, a player/team must reach 7 points with a two point advantage to win. For the serving format of a tie-break game, player 1 serves for the first point, player 2 serves for the next two points, player 1 serves for the next two points after that, etc.

The Court

  • Baseline– The baselines are the lines on either end of the court that determines the boundaries of play going lengthwise. They are also where a player serves behind. The ball must be on this line to be served.
  • Center Mark– The center mark determines the two halves of the tennis court. It mainly helps with service to determine where a player should stand prior to serving.
  • Center Service Line – The center line divides the two service boxes into a distinct left service box and right service box on either side of the court. Landing a serve on the line is considered good.
  • Net – The net stands 1.5m tall (fence). Hitting a ball into the net is considered an out while any ball that hits the net cord and falls onto the other side is considered good except for a serve, which allows for a re-do, or let.
  • Service Line – The service line separates the forecourt from the back court, and it also marks the length of the service box.
  • Sideline– The sideline is the innermost line running lengthwise and determines the boundary of play for singles matches as well as the width of the service box.
  • Court Construction - The court must be made of solid blocks with no block properties that affect entities (no soulsand, slime blocks, honey blocks, ice, etc). A lighter-colored block must be placed on the lines and a darker-colored block must be placed everywhere else. The net must be a type of fence/fence gate. Add some out of bounds room for the players’ mobility as well, around 2-3 blocks out from the court lines.

HelloMiners Professional Ironball League


Sycamore Tennis Court,


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Alexandria Court