Coming in Spring of 2024 - HMTrade, HelloMiners Exchange Software!

Ever wanted to directly invest in a company, earn based on math regarding the HelloMiners economy, or quickly raise capital for a project? I’ve developed a solution.

Introducing HMTrade, a new software suite only available for trading firms located within the World Trade Center in Flowing Meadows! This web client includes the following features:

  • Buying / Selling Company Stock.
  • Trading of Items / Tools / Resources (such as energy) Between Companies / Cities.
  • Long / Short Orders.
  • Options Contracts on Companies / Private Cities.
  • Resource / Crop / Item Futures.
  • Company / Government Staking (Bonds).
  • Project Valuations.
  • …and more!

This will also start a new industry within HelloMiners, with more opportunities!

The software itself is being made in Red, with some of the frontend being made with JavaScript. While it will be completely open-source, you may only use the software with a key assigned to your company.

Stay tuned for future updates!