Ban Topic: Spiderpig2323

Player: Spiderpig2323 and alt accounts (royoby, inotcriticalmiss, thespanian, velvetvixen, jfrsn_ sam66pack, .vcSpider, Lillardd, JustDo1t)
Staff: joint staff decision
Reason: Using alt accounts, to get christmas items and transfer money via secret santa bank notes



Based on the evidence, seeing how all of the christmas bells, and banknotes ended up with spiderpig2323, it is extremely likely (they are all on the same IP address mostly) that it is being operated by spiderpig or for his benefit. According to the rules, spiderpig2323 will have to choose which account they wish to continue using, all other accounts will be permanently banned.


From what I understand alts were used, to complete the “ultras present hunt”. Each head you collect gives you a christmas bell, and a small amount of cash. Completing all 20 heads gives you a cash bonus. Multiple accounts using the same ip as spiderpig, as well as a secondary IP all logged in, completed their daily advent, and present hunt, and dropped the items, to give them to spiderpig2323.

Above are the balances of the accounts that share one of the two IP addresses in question. Seeing multiple accounts with 0F implies they were used for their starter balances and any money they would have recieved.

But how was the money transferred? Using the Secret Santa Notes, the alt accounts bought the F5000 notes, then dropped them, which Spiderpig2323 picked up, and sold back to the government.

Above is evidence in two instances, where an alt account dropped a number of items, the player_heads are christmas boss keys, the bells are christmas bells, and tripwire hooks are santas crate keys. The paper items are most likely F5000 secret santa notes. The shears are multitools. I am only showing two accounts here, however this same pattern is shown on multiple of the alt accounts.

Above are buy/sell logs relating to the secret santa notes. You can see the “new player alts” buying a significant amount of forsals in secret santa notes. Then somehow spiderpig gets ahold of them and sells a significant amount of them. Again I know some of the above shows buying/selling the items immediately, however there is an obvious pattern where:

  • player buys an item > drops the item > spiderpig picks it up > spiderpig sells them

And the smoking gun of everything is having all the accounts on the same IP essentially. If one account is a “family member” or “friend” it doesnt explain why there are 4 or 5 accounts per IP, it just doesnt add up. It is more than likely it is spider doing it as the items all went to him.

Another two notes:

  • A staff member came to me mentioning that spiderpig asked for all the chests in basesub to be unlocked, so their “friends” could use the chests. This is the region showing the players above.
  • A player in chat mentioned to me, “how does spiderpig have so many bells”

At spiderpig’s RC warp shop, he has 161 holiday bells. This was before the random holiday raid events occured. He is selling each bell as per his own price at F3000. It is reasonable to assume a normal player could have obtained around 40 bells in the first 4-5 days of the event and it is reasonable to assume some were purchased. If spiderpig used 7 alts, and got 20 bells per player, plus did the present hunt himself, that would give a total of roughly 160 bells which is about how many are in this chest.

according to core protect logs, im not going to screenshot them because that would be a mess to understand:

velvetvixen - dropped 20 bells
inotcriticalmiss dropped 20 bells
jfrsn_ dropped 20x bells
royoby dropped 20 bells
pedro_316 dropped 20 bells
sam66pack dropped 20 bells
thespanian dropped 21 bells

spiderpig2323 picked up 141 bells
then earned 20~ legally

According to csn history logs:
These users bought/gave banknotes to spider to hide the payments in console logs:


Above is the total of notes that were bought.

This amount should be rounded down to account for any re-buy-sells in chestshops. The amount that spiderpig2323 sold was 93,500f which will be used.


During our talks with spider and his ‘friends’ Spider additionally to admitting to the money-laundering admitted to the following:

This implies that Spider has been using an alt to make money for his main account for months if not years.


For the other accounts, they will remained banned under :

spiderpig2323 will recieve 20% reduction in ban time for cooperating.

So based on the above rules, this is how I’m breaking down the bantime.
93,500f in banknotes, rounded to 90,000.

1000f x 90, would be 90 days.
140 bells from alts, current price is about 1000f = 140 days

90+140= 230 days - 20% = 184 days
The unban date for spiderpig2323 will be
Saturday, June 7, 2025

90,000 will be removed from spiderpigs balance to cover the banknotes.


Final decree by Satan
After a long discussion amongst staff and a conversation with mostly spider’s ‘friends’ rather than spider himself we’ve almost unanimously decided to turn Spider’s 140 day ban into a permanent ban.

Based on his past behavior, like being banned for afk avoidance, being fined 2 million for illegally evicting a city and now money laundering, which just happened in 2024 alone.

Not to mention his other punishments in the past we’ve come to the conclusion that Spiderpig2323 (and his alts) have no intention of playing the game in a fair manner.

Having spiderpig2323 around is evidently quite some trouble, time-consuming trouble might I add and we’d rather focus our efforts on reviving this server rather than playing cops and robbers.