[Unofficial] Staff Forum October 2024

Hi everyone! It’s been a while since staff did a formal Q&A, so I thought I would make one in hopes of answering some of the questions you guys have in a more formal context.

I will do my best to answer any questions you have relating to the server, or at least try to direct you towards where that answer might be found. Any questions that are off topic or are inappropriate I will be avoiding.

I welcome any questions regarding gov cities, events, updates, departments, suggestions, or anything else like that. As far as the more technical stuff I might not be super helpful.

Other staff members are also welcome to join in if they want to, I’m just trying to answer what I can.

For the most part I will leave this topic open until it stops being useful. No limit on questions.

Thanks in advance for your questions!

Q1: Why is this unofficial you’re literally an admin.

Because in the previous ones that were marked official, there was a timeframe, limits on questions per person, and staff members were encouraged to consult the staff team before responding.
I was just gonna answer what I knew about the more general stuff without the restrictions and I didn’t want to rope the other staff members into that if they didn’t want to. :sweat_smile:

how hellish is the HM backend 1-10

Can we get an end world on the next major end update from Mojang. The Mir station is currently in low world orbit and we need to expand to the End and build our starbase.

Are you referring to the background work that goes into HM? Or is this a joke I’m overlooking? :laughing:

for sure. if mojang revamps the end thats definitely gonna happen

Backend in software terms generally means what goes behind the scenes

In this instance I mean how awful is the server running HM, I mean it must be pretty complicated

It’s unfortunately pretty complicated. HM has a lot of systems and infrastructure that is based in plugins. Some of which either don’t get updated or become incompatible with others. So a lot of work goes into making sure that everything functions.

On paper that’s not a lot, but in practice it creates a lot of issues. Previous staff have sometimes built entire infrastructure around a specific plugin (things like the hunger games minigame, the plugins that were used to make custom mobs and items, etc), which often requires reading a lot of plugin wikis.
If the plugins change, then we have to learn how they work, and update entire portions of that infrastructure (we recently had to do this with the plugin we used to make mobs work, so we had to recode a bunch of dungeon mobs and event stuff).
This is often compacted by the fact that we have an ever changing staff team, so there are times where we lose the only person who was fluent in how a plugin worked, meaning we have to relearn it and how that staff member used it.

And with how many plugins, minigames, gov services, gov cities, events, and roles the staff team have to learn, relearn, assign, reassign, and update, it often leads to staff members getting overwhelmed or entire features get lost.

It’s become more complicated and makes the server run a little slow at times but a lot of the features that have been added to HM are responsible for keeping small sections of our community engaged, so we do our best to keep them alive.

We’ve been making strides to more efficiently catalog these systems and have been remaking parts of HM to be less dependent on staff , but its a slow process.

It’s a lot, but the community make the hours of work worth it.

TLDR: idk, like an 8?

Idk if that exactly answered your question but it is something I think a lot of people don’t think about.

Lmk if this wasnt what you were looking for :sweat_smile:

Yeah that was pretty much what I was interested in

I’ve done a bit of plugin management but that was a singleplayer server with just me on it for testing, can’t imagine how complicated it would be with as many players as HM has

Thats why we havent made a regionable end world still.