Unofficial clarification about roles and duties of the SUD



Recently there has been some controversy surrounding infrastructure on the server. As part of that controversy (especially the new one), SUD has been dragged in as part of it. What I need to make absolutely clear to everyone who is involved in this conflict or just going through it is that SUD has been portrayed as this malicious, evil organization going against the will of the community that has been led by me and a small group of other people. None of these things are true.

The role of SUD

The role of SUD has been, effectively, to just have a Discord server and a building in Montego Bay where city owners in the South could collaborate to create effective and working infrastructure between cities. This has resulted in many different projects coming to fruition, all of which have been independently managed by whoever is relevant. No member of SUD, whether it be me, Satan, Cake in the past, or anyone else has ever been puppet-mastering SUD as a whole. This is despite Thendil actively stating that we three ā€œwhereā€ SUD or that Satan was the organizationā€™s leader. We also need to make it clear that SUD has actively and always been promoting collaborative efforts to expand infrastructure, and despite the absolute garbage that some members spewed out against the HMSU last year most members have put working together above any petty disputes. In fact, all SUD members have been bound to a set of Tenements, which passed 8-0 democratically on the SUD discord. These are general principles that should be followed when handling all SUD infrastructure. Included:

Ownership of Infrastructure
Infrastructure ā€˜owned by the Southern Union for Developmentā€™ is not required to have all SUD members as owners of said infrastructure.
Ownership of specific SUD infrastructure (e.g., a certain highway or railway) should be linked with the main organiser(s) of that infrastructure, to be known as the ā€˜main owners.

Some might say that the people who built that infrastructure should be, in principle, owners of that infrastructure. Thatā€™s not even just SUD rules - just general logic.

But most importantly, we also have these rules:

Relationships with other Organisations

The overall goal when interacting or creating infrastructure with other organisations is to be constructive and open.
If there is an ongoing dispute between the SUD or one of its members and another organisation, the Union and the Member should be open to compromise.
The SUD supports the creation of a formal cross-organisation entity.
The SUD supports public investment in private infrastructure, when reasonable.
The SUD supports positive interactions with other organisations; they should not be considered ā€˜competitionā€™.
When interacting with non-SUD members, no member of the SUD may make representations of the entire Union or infrastructure if that representation is to the detriment of the Union; see part VII.
No SUD member may be intentionally rude or demeaning to members of other organisations.
SUD members may be members of other infrastructure organisations.

a. If, by a vote of the SUD membership, an organisation is deemed detrimental to the Union to an extreme extent, members of detrimental organisations who are also members of the Union are required to leave that organisation.

Relationships with other Cities or Nations

The overall goal when interacting or creating infrastructure with other organisations is to be constructive and open.
If there is an ongoing dispute between the SUD or one of its members and another organisation, the Union and the Member should be open to compromise.
Boycotts or the destruction of infrastructure between Union cities and non-Union cities should be considered a last resort.
If a city or nations requests that existing SUD infrastructure be connected to their own infrastructure, the main owner of the region should be open to this discussion.
SUD members should not consider nations or cities with membership to other transport organisations ā€˜competitionā€™, nor should members degrade infrastructure opportunities for this reason.

Structure of the Union
There should be no formal leader of the Union at any timeā€¦
ā€¦The owner of the SUD discord server (as of August 2023, nightemperor) can make special actions in regard to punishment of members.

These rules have been in place since August of last year, and the principles of them have been in practice since the SUD was founded. I am not interested in having a debate with Thendil about these things. This is just the reality of the situation. I am not even defending my own position here. I am just making it clear that the way in which SUD has been referred to recently - as a giant organisation with massive power led by few but with control over many - is a false narrative. Itā€™s effectively a conspiracy theory. And we reject that assertion.

I am not writing this post to defend the position of myself or any exact member of the SUD, but the organisation as a whole. It has been objectively misrepresented too many times to count.


Yeah nice work on the PR job everyone. Truth is you were an underground consortium of cities that formed to get stuff done on infra because gov are too inept.

After you resigned infra, I joined and you then spent the first year acting as a cartel, antagonising HMSU because it bought Alicante as you admit and undermining the Infra Dept. You Beak have always been the ring leader of the troubles, alongside Cakey.

Regardless of how SUD is structured, you Beak have always used it as a tool for your own ends.

After the troubles, nightemperor then brought it better practices, especially reaffirming about behaviours. I donā€™t need to chase any of you up to do a job you promised to fix and I gave you a reasonable amount of time - a whole year to fix the highway on the illegal region and you didnā€™t.

Your coordination to bring me down has been revealed and you have somehow persuaded Luc and others to think of everything I have done in a negative light. This is revealed by just reading Narā€™s forum post and the responses I have gotten.

Things could have been so much better with diplomacy from you guys, commitment to get things done, a general nice attitude and finding a middle ground but truth is youā€™re rotten to the core.

As far as I am concerned, you bullies win, you have full control of the server and anyone who even dares try to create a city, business, infra or have a position on the server is at risk of being controlled, intimidated or brought down by your people. As Iā€™ve said the golden age of HM is over and itā€™s evident with people quitting left, right and centre.

The conspiracies are true.


(the people Iā€™m referring to is Alb and Cake after the dispute between them and the HMSU)

Keep in mind I only sent these messages to Gurb because I had been blocked by Thendil - and have been blocked again recently.

I waited a year to not raise a complaint to see if you would do anything and you ignored what was asked by staff. So with the upmost respect, I couldnā€™t give a monkeys about you and your silly setup.