[Topic] Ferron Island

Ferron Island

Est. 2016


Ferron Island was created by ZeneR1320 and HariBearGB in 2016 August and was approved/released in late August 2016. It started at a mere 30k in land value and has since grown to house more than 30 expansions and sitting at 1.3 million forsals in land value. With thousands of hours of work put into the city, it is one of the oldest which is still being renovated.


  1. Airport → The Lantern Logo
  2. Portals → VC Hub, second floor of the old portal.

You can visit our districts via a subway in each one.

Recent News

Since mine (Hari’s) and Zene’s return, we have spent over 300k on land expansions, a new stadium, new headquarters, new layout of plots, and new roads in the whole of the city. As well as a brand new subway system to easily connect all of our districts!

We’re incredibly proud of our city and wish to bring it back to life, with new shops being built here and will be the home of many of our future projects.

Interesting Stats

  • Land Value: F1.28M
  • F19/block for plots.
  • 4 districts: Airport, Stadium, Suburbs and Downtown.

District Map

District Map