Swamp City Mayoral Election Nominations

I am proud to announce the very first Swamp City Mayoral Election!

Any payer who meets the requirements may nominate themselves on this post to be considered for the mayoral election.

Mayors of Swamp City will be in charge of auctioning and evicting plots, helping players, and hosting regular events on the city’s new race course.

This position is entirely voluntary, with re-elections being held every 6 months, or when a mayor steps down.

This position is new so it is up to change, but for the most part, here is what you can expect:


  • Create forum posts for auctions, manage those auctions, and ensure that proper transactions occur
  • Evict abandoned or unsightly plots in accordance to city rules
  • Clear delegation of responsibilities and transfer of power after term completion
  • Coordinate with other members of the Helloclan City staff team to create a fun and welcoming environment for the community


  • Ability to host regular events, such as races, scavenger hunts, etc. with the ability to distribute and decide rewards
  • Ability to host server wide events that will be announced in the events channel of the discord, such as grand openings, holiday parties, and other celebrations
  • Ability to hire players to do work on the city, such as demolitions, designings, and construction jobs.
  • Access to certain event areas around Helloclan
  • Direct contact with the staff team to create new and exciting projects for Helloclan

In order to enter, all applicants must meet the following requirements

  • Not have been banned within the last year
  • May not manage more than 2 other private cities at time of application
  • Must have played Hellominers for more than 3 months at time of application

The staff team observe the right to veto applicants on the basis of investigation or general behavior.

To apply, simply reply to this post with you username and some general information that you would want people to know about you when voting.

The official election after the nomination period of one week (ending Sunday the 28th) will be held in game (date to be announced). Where players can go to /warp vote to make their voices heard!

Good luck to all our future applicants!


Bruh i can’t even run. “Cannot be banned in the last 4 years.” If this was a rule for staff half of them couldn’t have been even promoted when they did such as you Nar, Satan, Kili, Endershack, and thats just the few I can remember.

you know what? valid. changed



I nominate myself


I would like nominate myself as canididate,
to be mayor of Swamp City.

I have joined the server since 2018 and i`m very known with it,

When i get chosen as mayor, i`m planning to host many events
to encourage the players to join more often and hopefully get new players find Hellominers!

Lets bring back the good old days with a playerbase of atleast 30 at the same time online!

Vote Syndicate_



you wanna list anything about yourself for the voters to keep in mind when deciding?

Hello im 4K

I joined in 2017 and have previously been West Helloclan City Manager for ~5 years being appointed in 2018 and was the Private City Department head for ~4 years joining in 2019. I layed the foundation to what West Helloclan has become and I have previously owned 5 cities previously so I understand everything that you need to know to succesfully run and make a city popular in the modern era of HM.

If I am to be elected I want to create a unique set of rules specific to Swamp city to not only promote shops but make it so every plot is owned by an active member of this server. I plan to run weekly events to the best of my ability and revive the battlepalace by bringing back the old rewards players could recieve along with new ones such as plot vouchers.

Swamp City has been the butt of Hellominers’ Cities for as long as I can remember and if you elect me as the first mayor of SC I will promise you that will change.