SUDSIGN | No-Map-Needed Road Sign Texture Pack for HM v0.1.1

SUDSIGN is a publicly accessible resource pack available for all HM players! This resource pack uses painting textures and reapplies them into blue-concrete road signs, allowing for players to create realistic signage for both their local city streets and mega-highway projects!

The resource pack is currently fairly limited in scope and is in a beta phase. Any suggestions for signage are welcome, although please keep in mind that the idea is limited by the available amount of paintings in vanilla MC.


  1. Install the resource pack here. (Discord required)
  2. While on Minecraft, go to the “Resource Packs” menu in Options and press “Open Pack Folder”. Drag the downloaded ZIP file into the folder and decompress.
  3. Load the resource pack from “Available” to “Selected”: Give it the highest priority available, as the resource pack only overwrites painting textures.

This resource pack has been made for 1.21, however a 1.20 version may also be provided.


SUDSIGN v0.1.1

  • Repairs an issue where a texture only released for 1.21 was used and not available on 1.20. As a result the “EXIT” sign has been modified to a 1x2 painting with a left arrow and the “NO-RIGHT HAND TURN” sign has been put in it’s place