RSV Eviction

Rule: 2 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p1
Owners: 8b75189b-938e-4599-8b9f-ba327c82118a
Inactive for: -1 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p4
Owners: 9ad13d06-4e25-4899-ba88-ad5130a3c745
Inactive for: -1 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p8
Owners: saurish123
Inactive for: 10.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p10
Owners: Lloydster665
Inactive for: 74.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p11
Owners: Tommito and LaFancyy
Inactive for: 18.0, 11.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p12
Owners: LaFancyy and Tommito
Inactive for: 11.0, 18.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p13-14
Owners: Exciper
Inactive for: 18.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p15
Owners: EvanPlays6
Inactive for: 19.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p16
Owners: f4ffa4e4-0bfd-403d-84d5-c4f41e7607ae
Inactive for: -1 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p17
Owners: LaFancyy
Inactive for: 11.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p18
Owners: Tommito and LaFancyy
Inactive for: 18.0, 11.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p22
Owners: Tommito and LaFancyy
Inactive for: 18.0, 11.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p23
Owners: Tommito and LaFancyy
Inactive for: 18.0, 11.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p24
Owners: Tommito and LaFancyy
Inactive for: 18.0, 11.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p27
Owners: Tommito and LaFancyy
Inactive for: 18.0, 11.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p28
Owners: Tommito
Inactive for: 18.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p29
Owners: Tommito
Inactive for: 18.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p30
Owners: Tommito and LaFancyy
Inactive for: 18.0, 11.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p34
Owners: RattoMan62
Inactive for: 18.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p36
Owners: a262a5a2-f781-476b-bbad-85461224a92e
Inactive for: -1 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p37
Owners: LaFancyy
Inactive for: 11.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p38
Owners: LaFancyy
Inactive for: 11.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p40
Owners: LaFancyy
Inactive for: 11.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p43
Owners: Just1SkullzyBoi
Inactive for: 15.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p46
Owners: LaFancyy
Inactive for: 11.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p47
Owners: Just1SkullzyBoi
Inactive for: 15.0 months

Plot Region Name: rv_p48
Owners: Just1SkullzyBoi
Inactive for: 15.0 months
