Report for staff: Construction of a more transparent understanding of the last year

It truly saddens me how facts can be twisted by a staff member to wage a disinformation campaign against me in order to boost non-staff members out of roles on the server. Also, to engage a group of players against me.

The fact remains my understanding of my role of staff was alongside the admins as a dev. I was also in the upper staff discord and not in the lower staff discord. Upper staff have always been allowed to world edit portions of gov cities and my goal was to always honour the historical side of HC, which is why very little changed other than making more plots accessible to new players, reducing roads on 4 sides of each build and making more of a city block approach to HC, as well as suburb cleanup. There was no grand conspiracy to gain an advantage and all staff were aware of highway projects and knew these were large scale and would require a lot of time, with Nar checking on progress at multiple points, only to yeet it after it was complete out of sadistic pleasure.

Luc only afterwards made out that it was just out of convenience that was the case. I had quite a number of roles with projects I authorised. These roles imply some level of decision making and the problem is in order to undo decisions, your team have decided to rewrite the history and make claims that are heavily distorted. With upper staff largely absent and unwilling to communicate in discords, 1 staff member tends to authorised stuff on behalf of others, only for the others to come back after months to undo stuff.

I really didn’t want to but have had to make a 2nd report against nar, with evidence to support: