Report against staff: Destruction of HelloMiner's historic first complete motorway/freeway

I’ve reviewed the report. Majority of the post has been essentially addressed in the other report topic. In the interest of your time and mine, you can read it once instead of twice here: Report for staff: Fact checking NarwhalsRcool's lies IMPORTANT READ - #4 by Luc

Now, to address the complaint section,
To the best of my knowledge, this was communicated to you both in a screenshot from the staff discord that you were sent, a message sometime earlier this year (again mentioned in the other report), as well as the official post back in March. Additionally, there is no expectation for you to support the server in ways outside of your cities, nor has there been since March. The connecting regions for the highway had your ownership and membership revoked, as they were regioned and protected by the government, and are owned by the government.

Regarding compensation, the government has a standard policy of compensating 75% of materials for private highways, and 100% for government highways. Once you provide your quote with block costs, you will be paid for your expenses.

The transparency you say did no exist was there, however I will concede that I was not involved in the discussions with you after the March post, and cannot confirm whether or not the communications were clear.

To address the final statement - I have not been paid for any of my time as a technician on the server. I have dedicated countless hours, both up front and behind the scenes to support this server. I am not perfect of course, over the past few years as my education has advanced into graduate studies I have had to allocate less and less time, even having to take hiatuses at times. However, I have had countless sleepless nights working on fixing things for you all. I was not paid for my time as a moderator back in the day either, that was not a thing back then. You are not a saint for sharing the same enthusiasm as many other people on the server. There are no brownie points or major shows of appreciation for any person who dedicates any time to supporting this server. Regardless of if you are a government employee, a staff member, an upper staff member or even Tedde for funding this for so many years, most people will never show you an ounce of appreciation.

Remedies for Report

  • Thendil will be compensated for 100% of material costs, in alignment with other government contracts
  • Contrary to what you assume, I wholeheartedly agree that players should be compensated for their government work. I have been compensating players for all the work that I have contracted. As such, you will be compensated 200k for time and network design, alongside the material costs. For comparison, the originally planned redesign of that bridge/highway from rc to Avalon was for 140k, and was a much more in depth project overall.
  • The current merge from government highway to your highway IS abrupt and an eyesore. This connection will be fixed and the proper road reductions will occur leading up to the connection from either direction