If you are part of the team dealing with complaints actually read all of it, rather than reiterating your previous distain for players with the usual TLDR attitude. If you are not part of the complaints process and don’t care about reading and understanding the problem, you are not worth anybody’s time or mine and your comments are not constructive. I have no reason to be brief and have my issues sidelined.
As the leading person in charge of highways and railways a while back, I implemented a new highway system to connect all the government cities and built this by hand.
The area was regioned by a number of admins including myself, with communication with all the neighbouring cities and plans for junctions and extensions if players wanted to develop that themselves.
The highways had realistic barriers, lighting, overpasses, multiple lanes, lane drops, slip roads, tunnels, flowers, terraforming to blend in. Its width made it especially easy to be driven on at speed using the server’s vehicles plugin and implemented safety measures and slabs to make it more convenient to ride on.
(Example of the style of road)
Whilst most of the network and placement was designed by me, the design was an adapted version of a design by Gurbanguly originally developed for the HMSU but with the hallmark government yellow centre broken lines to differentiate by management.
This was built before the current rules on highways were introduced and was a different category of highway due to it being the government city network.
Work started on this project 2 years ago and most of the work has been to tunnel through Narnia at the request of the owner to avoid going overground.
I was even requested to continue the design connecting up to Cudley’s RC motorway by developing it into Sunset Springs, although this eventually was not possible due to being bullied out of the department.
After much discussion, others started extending the network and it would eventually end up like this, with 90% completed:
Despite the amount of time and effort put into completing this, staff took the decision in March with just 4 people voting in upper staff to this:
I would also add, the only compensation for materials was from the area of the roundabout North of the HMSU motorway/freeway as it stretches eastwards to the coast, roughly 1,000 blocks in width.
Recent Events
In April, Nar made the decision to world edit his own connection to this highway from his city and blocked off the tunnel on his side and mine. I complained to staff and this was reversed.
I was assured that the highway would stay and me allowing gov to protect the highway by being the owner wouldn’t affect things. I would still be added as member for the roundabout region as this goes through my city.
Following April, I started to receive requests from NarwhalsRcool to strong arm me into giving up my shop in HelloClan as he wanted to roll back the area with refusal of any other equivalent plot. I spoke with another member of staff and they agreed that he should give me first refusal on another plot that was just as close if one was available - and one was. Nar then agreed reluctantly to let me swap my plot. I understand he had plans for HC but I had not long had the highways issue as well as him coming out of nowhere to take my job as HC Mayor.
Overnight from 19th - 20th July NarwhalsRcool appeared to be given free reign following a recent admin call to completely dismantle and world edit out all government owned highways following this design.
I would like to make it VERY clear, I have NOT had any communication about this from him since his previous worldedit to change the connection on his own city to this highway, to confirm this highway would be wiped out.
As the difference between staff and player should be a supportive one, I am concerned that your staff member did not communicate on either occasion his plans to world edit out connections to my city and infrastructure that I had built. I am also concerned with the backwards direction the server is now taking with regards to infrastructure and I can no longer support the server in ways outside of my cities with the staff not being player focused anymore.
I am not complaining here about the primitive design flaws of the replacement highway, but the lack of consideration regarding the amount of time and effort put into developing all of this and to remove it without notice and without discussion, especially when you complain so much if players do it. From a design point of view, I would like to point out the design flaw of the worldedited connection to the new highway and the eyesore this has created inside the areas of my city. The connecting regions have also had my ownership AND membership revoked with some regions having disappeared.
I have also had no consideration in how I can be compensated for all the work and hundreds of thousands of blocks just to be wiped in the blink of an eye. I seriously ask how you think players might react.
This wasn’t a mistake or some spiteful reaction, this was a long thought our process over many months with NO transparency over what was happening. This is evidentiary of your staff’s lack of engagement with your player base and your obsession with closed-door gameplay decisions and discussions about petty tutorials that have nothing to do with all the other stuff you could be doing if you actually played HM properly. Yes I am angry. I placed all the blocks myself, I spent not just money on blocks but time and whilst this is JUST a game and you are entitled to do what you want with Tedde’s server, the trolls will no doubt respond to this in their usual immature fashion.
I have not been paid for any of my time in infrastructure, helping with airport applications, highways, railways, dev, being Mayor and subsequently Manager of HC either. I ask you to take that into consideration as well.
Remedy Requested:
- Apology
- Thanks when someone resigns
- Government jobs for players
- Government depts to be run by players again
- For the highway to be restored, and if not;
- To be added back to the connecting regions.
- A multiple six figure sum for compensation of materials, time, network design, shoddy treatment.