Hello Everyone, 4K606, Newly Elected Mayor of Swamp City and Moderator of the 1st North Helloclan Mayoral Debate Held in Swamp City
During peak times of the debate, more than 15 people were online, however, many chose to assignate the canidate who they did not like so for the next debate happening soon, Swamp City will be hiring private security (5k to kill any assassins).
Here are the questions that were asked during the debate
General Questions:
- Question 1: Does North Helloclan look healthy to you? If not, what will you do to change that?
Question 2: In prior administrations, there has been a push for a limit on how many plots a player can own, inspired by the former monopoly CudelyNoodles had in River City. Do you support this? What restrictions, if any, should there be plots in North Helloclan? (edited)
Question 3: Should the HM government take steps to make North Helloclan more affordable, and if so how? (edited)
Question 4: Cazu Marzu opinion polls tell us many, many Hellominer’s citizens are unhappy picking between the two of you. Why should they pick you rather than your opponent?
Specific Questions:
Question 1: Monrah, you are a key executive in Agora. Agora owns the infamous /warp Airport plot, one of the most controversal buildings in Hellominers that during its plot merger creation was told by several Mayors they would not allow for its construction. If Mayor, as an exective in a company that owns more than 30% of the area in North Helloclan, would you use your influence for personal gain? (edited)
Question 1: Somfic, in 2018 you made a post with Clexar giving away around 4 million forsals because you intended to quit the server. Up until recently, you have been a very inactive member of the Hellominers’ Community. What experience do you have running a city when you have been inactive on Hellominers for around the last 6 years.
Here is the transcript from the debate:
Will be provided later…
Cazu Marzu Media took a poll at the end of the debate the gauge the audience’s feelings towards each canidate and Somfic won with a 4-1 vote
On conclusion it was also discovered that Somfic planted an assination device under Monrah’s podium in order to kill his rival