[JOB OFFER] Builders & Designers REQUIRED - HIGH PAY

Job Title: Minecraft Builder/Designer

Salary: Paid by each project. To be negotiated before the beginning of any opted-in project.

Job offered by: The City of Archendale

We’re seeking talented Minecraft Builders and Designers to join our team. As a Builder, you will work with Litematica to build a ready-to-use design in our city. As for Designers, you’ll be asked to create great designs for a city, such as government buildings, parks, seasonal street redesigns, and more.


  • BUILDERS: Build and finish required projects on time. You will have access to Schematica, which you can use with Litematica. It’s like pasting a building. By the way, we are responsible for materials, but you can get extra pay if you choose to get them by yourself.
  • DESIGNERS: Use our custom-built server to create your designs. You will be able to use World Edit and other plugins to help you finish faster.
  • You will get access to a custom Discord server to view projects that need Designers/Builders. You can opt-in for whichever projects you want to enroll in. Pay will be discussed by then.


  • BUILDERS: Ability to work with Litematica, unless you want to design and build at the same time.
  • DESIGNERS: Experience and knowledge in designing beautifully detailed structures in Minecraft. (Categories: Gov Buildings, Parks, City Infrastructure Design, etc…)
  • Being active, at least when you have opted-in for a project.

Help us renew the City of Archendale and bring back life to it by showcasing your professionally designed structures in our city! All workers will have their names posted inside each finished project in-game. By the way, there will be a good bonus given to all workers after reaching our goals!




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