Horizon Awards after 6

Unfortunately, due to my discord being Hacked over 1 month ago, and now my inability to update roles higher than my own, etc, due to my old account being deleted and thus I am unable to transfer ownership without a request which currently has a 5% chance of succeeding with re-appealing (which I am trying), I am left on a standing point on what to do if this fails, and thus rely on the community’s opinion. I have described each scenario possible below to the best of my abilities, and questions will only be answered here in the likelihood of the Discord being deleted as a result of this.

Continue using the existing server, despite being unable to update roles.
This will result in there being confusion over who is nominated, but is the easiest option to execute. Personally, I’d rather not do this, I prefer to have consistency and correct information output from Horizon Awards where possible, and this being an issue leads to me breaking my moral code.

Start afresh, create a new discord server, and request people join that.
I’ve already attempted this to no avail, and thus this is still an option, however it is unlikely to be able to be undertaken as effectively.

Start afresh, creating a new Horizon Awards company from scratch with a different name.
Basically, I would dissolve Horizon Award’s board, shut down Horizon Awards, and consider the server ‘Archived’ while a new company for giving out awards in a similar fashion to Horizon Awards 5 would be founded. This would take place after Horizon Awards 6. This is prefferred as although Horizon Awards is an common name on HelloMiners, I feel like it’s best I move away from this branding if I can.

Shut down Horizon Awards, and thus the last mainstream Awards company.
Even though it would be 3 years since the first ceremony in May, this is my other least preferred option. This would take place, like the previous option, after Horizon Awards 6, and would mean my last contribution in this sector. I’d hate to do this since I enjoy giving out awards.

  • Continue using the existing server, despite being unable to update roles.
  • Start afresh, create a new discord server, and request people join that.
  • Start afresh, creating a new Horizon Awards company from scratch with a different name.
  • Shut down Horizon Awards, and thus the last mainstream Awards company.

0 voters

If no responses are given to the form above, I’ll consider Horizon Awards dead and automatically choose the shut down option, and leave HelloMiners since that would be my last major project, and thus have nothing major to keep my interest here again.

I’ll purchase Horizon Awards, if you decide to close down the business. I’ll keep you on as an advisor role too. However, I really hope you keep running the business…

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Palm Shores Entertainment would love to offer you an undisclosed price for the company in exchange you get to run it and keep control of the company and can do whatever you want.

dis shit make no sense

To the people wanting to buy

Lol Imma see where the keepinv vote goes before deciding then what to do with it if I continue it