HFC | The HelloMiners Financial Corporation

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The Hellominers Financial Corporation

General Contact: LukeTheHat#5318
Mutual Server: HelloMiners Discord
Dedicated Server: https://discord.gg/ykTE8uXxZP
We are currently working on a company discord

The HFC is HelloMiner’s most prominent financial corporation. We are dedicated to helping out the economy and secure economic freedom for users and businesses everywhere.

Through both partnerships with other corporations (TBA) and our own independent operations, we operate many services:

  • HM Credit Score System, HFC-C, which is HelloMiner’s newest collaborative credit score database. Our goal is different from that of previous credit score systems. Despite our independent financial business dealings, HFC-C is an open-source project. Any financial corporation can be approved and be granted access to the database.

  • HFC Loan and Mortgage, HFC-LM, with tens of thousands of dollars in available funds. We rely on HFC-C to guarantee secure and accurate loans so both we and the user can have a great experience. Our terms of agreement:

  1. All loans are to be processed through HFC-C, including payment history and usernames
  2. Loans at or below the cost of F100,000 have a fixed interest rate of 20%. Loans at or above the cost of F100,001 have a fixed interest rate of 15%.
  3. Payment time/s are subject to the agreement made between HFC and the receiver. We can give users the option for singular or weekly/daily payments. Up to negotiation.
  4. If payment is not made, appropriate seizing of property † must be performed.
  5. More terms may be discussed during negotiation.
  • HFC Investment Fund, HFC-I, works with corporations privately and with stock markets. We strive to achieve excellent returns with this fund.

That’s all of our current operations! Remember to use the general contact for more information.

Thank you for reading,
a.k.a. beakboy

* All financial information and statistics are up-to-date as of the 11th of May, 2021 (11/5/21). Some figures are subject to change and may not be accurate at the time of viewing. Please use our general contact at the top of the page for questions or queries. † If property must be seized to match payments, the appropriate amount of land must be taken at a value either F5/block if in the wild or at the adjustable land rate in private and government cities. Transfers must be made by moderators, admins, or technicians. All transfers must be legal. This page is currently a WIP. Stay updated for more information!