[Government Auction] CB_4, CB_7, CB_16 Plots


Auctioning: CB_4, CB_7, CB_16 (separately)
Location: Crystal Bay, See Map.
Coordinates: 3864 67 35 (on this street)
Gold Plot: No
Seller: Government


  1. No editing or cancelling bids.
  2. The winner must have the money when the auction is over. Otherwise, the bidder will be fined 10% of their bid and the next highest bidder will win.
  3. The auction may be called off at any time by a staff member.
  4. Each bid must include the bidder’s username.
  5. Each bid must increase by at least 10% higher than the last.
  6. The auction will end 24 hours after the most recent valid bid.
  7. Banned players may not bid.
  8. Please stay on topic.

The bidding starts at: F3000

cb_4: 14x15
cb_7: 16x19
cb_16: 16x12

Please state which plot you are bidding on, along with your bid. All three plots are being bid on in this same post…

Good luck!

cb_4, cb_16, cb_7
3000 each

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cb_16 4000

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cb_4 5500


Congrats, you have won Cb_4

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Please contact staff next time you are online to claim your plots with a helpme. Staff will eco take and give the funds to government and add you as plot owner.

Please claim your plot when you are online next by doing /helpme.