[Gov Auction] River City Plots

Hello everyone.

I am pleased to announce that plot auctions for River City are now taking place in-game via the auction house. There you will be able to bid on any of the plots currently up for auction which will consist of 3-4 sets of auctions - but before you do - please take note of the auction and plot rules to ensure your bid is valid and you don’t end up with a plot you cannot claim.

Plot Rules:
You can find the rules for plots here Government City Plot Rules. There have been two additional rules added for River City which will take effect for anyone who obtains a plot from these auctions and thereafter:

  • River City Warp Plot owners who are inactive for 3 months may be automatically evicted.
  • River City Plot owners must be actively involved with the plot in order to be included when determining the activity of plot owner(s) e.g., if a plot is a skyscraper, each owner must have a suitable proportion of stocked shops and/or apartments for rent in their name. If any owner(s) of a plot are not deemed actively involved in the plot by staff, then the plot may be evicted due to inactivity excluding those owner(s).

I also would like to highlight that players may not be added to more than *1 warp plot and no more than 3 regular plots.

Auction Rules:
Since the auctions will be taking place in game, most of the usual rules aren’t applicable.

  1. The auction may be called off at any time by a staff member.
  2. The auction will start at 48 hours and may be extended after a new bid depending on its remaining time.
  3. You may bid on as many plots as you wish, but you may not claim them all if it results in you exceeding the maximum plot limits.

Plots can be claimed via a /helpme and giving the plot auction item to the attending staff member.

Once a plot has been claimed, there will be a 60 day grace period in which a design for the plot can be made and progress started on the build before it may be eyesored.

First Round

The bidding starts at:
rcwplot10 F1,440
rcwplot11 F1,440
rcwplot12 F1,440

rcplot6 F7,140
rcplot7 F7,140
rcplot8 F7,140
rcplot9 F7,140
rcplot10 F7,140
rcplot11 F7,140
rcplot15 F12,960
rcplot24 F19,680 (this plot is already pre-built but can be demoed. However it has 2 sold apts which would need evicting/bought back first)

The bidding starts at:
rcwplot15 F1,440
rcwplot16 F1,440

rcplot26 F8,740
rcplot27 F8,740

rcplot43 F19,720
rcplot44 F19,720
rcplot45 F19,720
rcplot46 F19,720
rcplot47 F19,720
rcplot48 F19,720

Good luck!