[Event] Summer Parkour Blitz

Hey everyone, its time for a monthly challenge, from now until September 1st, your parkour stats will matter. We will be awarding prizes for the top players in EACH parkour map avalible at /pa lobby.

Leaderboard times are competitive we want to refresh it every now and then. Times will be reset after prizes are paid out.

Players who competed in the parkour leaderboards below will be paid the following. Those who use extremely unfair shortcuts/exploits can be disqualified.

1st: 7500F per map
2nd: 5000F per map
3rd: 2500F per map

You do not need to post your times here, as we will be using the parkour leaderboards displayed at the start of each map. Best of luck everybody, may the odds be ever in your favor~!

Players also automatically recieve F500 for completing any map for the first time, there are 12 maps, so even if you only complete each map once and dont score on the leaderboard, you will still earn F6,000!