[Event] New Years 2024

:boom: :fireworks: :tada: Happy New Years 2024! :tada: :fireworks: :boom:

To celebrate to the start of a New Year, there will be an event located at /warp NY2024. You will have to navigate your way through a Maze, fighting a number of different mobs to obtain a variety of items as well as event currency which can be used at the traders located at the warp!

The event will last for all of January, closing on February 1st, so you will have plenty of time to try and collect all of the event items (to view all event items use /ny2024itemsmenu). Fully enchanted diamond armour, potions and golden apples are recommended - so don’t expect it to be easy!

Good luck and Happy New Year!

If you have any issues please let me (Da_Kili15) know so I can fix them!

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