Coming Soon - Horizon Merchandise Group

Horizon Memorabilia Store

The Horizon Awards giftshops will be opening soon. These will feature memorabilia, such as official map art, clothes, and other merchandise from various event companies, cities and ironball teams.

I have included a series of collapsable accordions of what locations, and the partners we have developed in order to sell you merchandise.

Terms of Partnering

When you sell with us, you agree to the following terms:

  • We will add an F4 charge on every chest you have in the shop. This is in order to enable us to maintain the building.
  • We do allow brand names such as ‘Horizon Awards’, however
  • We will help manufacture the merchandise.
  • We do not guarantee profit, or a space in every shop. This is because our shop sizes vary.
  • Contracts last at least 3 months.

Our current locations are:

  • Crystal Bay
  • Cardiff (opening March 2023)
  • River City (opening April 2023)
  • Archendale (opening April 2023)
  • Ferron Island (opening March 2023)
  • Paradise Hills (opening March 2023)

Micro Stores

  • HelloClan Central (opening April 2023)
  • West City (opening April 2023)
Current Partners
  • Horizon Awards - Indefinite Contract
  • Cape Coral Ironball - Indefinite Contract

If you are interested in working with us to sell merchandise, please contact us on Discord at <link coming soon> or using RE#0705’s dms.