Auctioning: suexp21 + suexp23 seperately
Location: right at warp airport, across the river (suexp21 is pre-built and is directly on the north suburbs subway system)
Coordinates: -726 65 -1077
Gold Plot: No
Seller: Government
- No editing or cancelling bids.
- The winner must have the money when the auction is over. Otherwise, the bidder will be fined 10% of their bid and the next highest bidder will win.
- The auction may be called off at any time by a staff member.
- Each bid must include the bidder’s username.
- Each bid must increase by at least 10% higher than the last.
- The auction will end 24 hours after the most recent valid bid.
- Banned players may not bid.
- Please stay on topic.
Plots must have multiple units and be no taller than its surrounding buildings. It is a requirement for plot owners to have homes rentable at a reasonable price.
DISCLAIMER: There is an auto tp feature coming to the suburbs, which will allow new players to tp to any rentable plot in suburbs based on distance. Make sure to get your plots registered with ultra if you add new signs.
The bidding starts at: F1000
Good luck!